REM * ************************************************************ REM * Title: README.TXT for November 2010 Extra data REM * REM * Target Application: N/A REM * Application Version: MMS Data Model v4.15 REM * ************************************************************ REM * Purpose: Provide specific notes on the data contents of this archive REM * REM REM * ************************************************************ REM * History: REM REM * Date Author Comment REM * ========== ======== ============================== REM * 23/12/2010 MMS Added details REM * ************************************************************ ************ 0. Summary ************ This file contains details of the extra data included on the November 2010 archive. 1. Historical data for all tables in the MCC_DISPATCH package. The MCC_DISPATCH data is periodic data and this extra archive includes the following historical the MCC_DISPATCH tables as follows: MMS Data Model Table First Month Last Month (inclusive) MCC_CASESOLUTION 200807 201010 MCC_CONSTRAINTSOLUTION 200807 201010 NOTE. The data for the MMC process is collated as one file per table for the entire period (1/7/2008 to 31/10/2010) 2. Historical data for some missing tables in the STPASA_SOLUTION package The STPASA_SOLUTION data is periodic data. The following historical data has been included in this archive because it was not produced in the monthly dvds that covered this period: MMS Data Model Table First Month Last Month STPASA_REGIONSOLUTION 200911 201010 STPASA_INTERCONNECTORSOLN 200911 201010 STPASA_CONSTRAINTSOLUTION 200911 201010 REM * ************************************************************ REM ******** End Of README.TXT ******************* REM * ************************************************************