REM * ************************************************************ REM * Title: README.TXT REM * REM * Target Application: N/A REM * Application Version: MMS Data Model v4.12 REM * ************************************************************ REM * Purpose: Provide specific notes on the data contents of dvd archive REM * REM REM * ************************************************************ REM * History: REM REM * Date Author Comment REM * ========== ======== ============================== REM * 11/07/2009 MMS Initial Release REM * ************************************************************ ************ 0. Summary ************ This file contaitns details ont eh following: 1. Tables that contain static/standing data that cannot be loaded across time independantly ******************************** 1. Static/Standing data tables The public dvd archive iincludes the data for all public MMS Dat Model tables. The data is distributed in monthly lots, however, some of the tables are not periodic in nature. These tables generally contain static data such as GST rates or standing data relating to registration data. The tables include all data at the time the archive was created If you wish to load data to these tables you will get errors reporting duplicate records if you do not truncate existing data in the table. The following tables are the Static/Standing data tables ANCILLARY_RECOVERY_SPLIT BIDDUIDDETAILSTRK BIDDUIDDETAILS BIDTYPESTRK BIDTYPES BILLINGCALENDAR BILLSMELTERRATE DISPATCHABLEUNIT DUDETAILSUMMARY DUDETAIL EMSMASTER GENERICEQUATIONDESC GST_BAS_CLASS GST_RATE GST_TRANSACTION_CLASS GST_TRANSACTION_TYPE INSTRUCTIONSUBTYPE INSTRUCTIONTYPE INTERCONNECTORCONSTRAINT INTERCONNECTOR IRFMAMOUNT IRFMEVENTS LOSSFACTORMODEL LOSSMODEL MARKETFEEDATA MARKETFEETRK MARKETFEE MARKETNOTICETYPE MARKETSUSPENSION MARKETSUSREGION MNSP_INTERCONNECTOR MNSP_PARTICIPANT OVERRIDERRP PARTICIPANTCATEGORYALLOC PARTICIPANTCATEGORY PARTICIPANTCLASS PARTICIPANT PREDISPATCHSCENARIODEMANDTRK PREDISPATCHSCENARIODEMAND REGIONAPCINTERVALS REGIONAPC REGIONSTANDINGDATA REGION STADUALLOC STATIONOPERATINGSTATUS STATIONOWNERTRK STATIONOWNER STATION REM * ************************************************************ REM ******** End Of README.TXT ******************* REM * ************************************************************