


Gas Supply Hub markets reports to provide Participants with information on their trades, prudential exposure, settlement runs, and registration details

List of tables




Information for a single bid contained within a bid profile


Information for a single auction product contained within a bid


Top-level table for a profile of auction bids on a given gas date


Information for a single step contained within a bid.


Provides a confirmation to trading participants that their auction bid has been successfully submitted.


List of bids considered for an auction


Contains details of curtailment of nominations against secondary firm rights (CTP trades) for service points (receipt and delivery points).


The cleared quantity, cleared price and price sensitivity for each auction product component following each auction run


Auction limit quantities for each product component available for the day ahead auction


Specifies the details of the capacity won at auction


Specifies the Auction Run has completed, issued to any participants bidding in the auction (regardless of whether any auction bids are won), and facility operators who have a facility in the Auction


The report contains the benchmark prices for the day ahead (non-firm price) PLUS the last two years of daily benchmark prices (firm price)


Notifies participants when the market delay or cancellation process is triggered


Capacity transfer notice includes a list of capacity quantities per shipper contract that facility operators use to update the capacity quantity on the relevant shipper contracts in their own systems.


Consolidated list of all secondary capacity trades which includes GSH trades (screen traded and off-market trades) and Bilateral trades submitted into the GBB


Provides participants with a list of all the facility operator service references and STTM contract references that are available to them for capacity trading


This report is available to participants as an audit trail of the entries in the Contract References markets portal application.


The purpose of this report is to provide the Participants (buyer and seller) an acknowledgement whenever a delivered quantity record is submitted or confirmed. The report will also provide Participants with a list of all their delivered quantity records updated within the last thirty days when triggered daily prior to the start of trades for the current day.


List of delivery point preferences if delivery points are overridden. Child record of GSH_DELIVERY_NETT_PREFS


Provide a history of Delivery Netting Preferences entered through the new Delivery Netting Web Interface.


The purpose of this report is to provide the Participants with their Delivery Obligations at each location. Delivery Obligation quantities are results of the delivery netting process.


Facilities currently registered, for capacity trading and day ahead auction.


The report provides a summary of all trades delivered in the current gas day and the last thirty gas days per product location. It provides information on the volume weighted average price, and the total traded quantities.


Notional Point currently registered under Part 24 of the Rules


The purpose of this report is to provide the Participant a confirmation whenever an order (bid or offer) is submitted, amended, or cancelled.


Park Services currently registered under Part 24 of the Rules


The purpose of this report is to provide the participant with a list of all their contact details.


Operating Status of Participant


The report contains the registration details of all participants currently registered in the GSH market.


Pipeline Segments currently registered under Part 24 of the Rules for the capacity trading and day ahead auction.


The purpose of the Prudential Exposure report is to provide organisations with daily estimates of their market exposure. The report also contains details of their bank guarantees and security deposits as well as their outstanding amounts for all settlement runs included in the prudential run. The Auction Forward Exposure subreport provides a summary of auction forward exposure amounts for the organisation by gas day.


The purpose of the Prudential Exposure report is to provide organisations with daily estimates of their market exposure. The report also contains details of their bank guarantees and security deposits as well as their outstanding amounts for all settlement runs included in the prudential run. The Bank Guarantees subreport provides a list of all bank guarantees used in the prudential run.


The purpose of the Prudential Exposure report is to provide organisations with daily estimates of their market exposure. The report also contains details of their bank guarantees and security deposits as well as their outstanding amounts for all settlement runs included in the prudential run. The Estimated Market Exposure subreport provides summary information for the Organisation’s estimated market exposure.


The purpose of the Prudential Exposure report is to provide organisations with daily estimates of their market exposure. The report also contains details of their bank guarantees and security deposits as well as their outstanding amounts for all settlement runs included in the prudential run. The Reallocations subreport provides a breakdown of all reallocation amounts used in the prudential run at the participant level.


The purpose of the Prudential Exposure report is to provide organisations with daily estimates of their market exposure. The report also contains details of their bank guarantees and security deposits as well as their outstanding amounts for all settlement runs included in the prudential run. The Security Deposits subreport provides a list of all security deposits used in the prudential run (Note: only security deposits that are maturing on a day later than the prudential date time are included in this report).


The purpose of the Prudential Exposure report is to provide organisations with daily estimates of their market exposure. The report also contains details of their bank guarantees and security deposits as well as their outstanding amounts for all settlement runs included in the prudential run. The Settlement Amounts subreport provides a breakdown of all settlement amounts at the participant level for all settlement runs included in the prudential run


The purpose of the Prudential Exposure report is to provide organisations with daily estimates of their market exposure. The report also contains details of their bank guarantees and security deposits as well as their outstanding amounts for all settlement runs included in the prudential run. The Trade Forward Exposure subreport provides a summary of forward exposure amounts for the organisation by product location by gas day.


This report is available to participants as an audit trail of the entries in the CTP Receipt and Delivery Point Preferences markets portal application.


The purpose of the Reallocation Confirmation report is to provide the participants (Credit and Debit Parties) a confirmation wherever an allocation is submitted, authorised, cancelled or expired. The Daily Amount subreport contains the reallocation daily amount for each gas day in the reallocation period.


The purpose of the Reallocation Confirmation report is to provide the participants (Credit and Debit Parties) a confirmation wherever an allocation is submitted, authorised, cancelled or expired. The Reallocation subreport contains the main reallocation details.


The report lists the following items for each facility and service type:initial cleared quantity as determined by the Auction Solver;where there has been a curtailment of the initial cleared quantity, the revised auction quantity which must be the aggregate minimum quantity made available to auction participants on the gas day; final aggregated scheduled nominations.


The Security Deposit Interest Rate On Daily Basis. This is the public table published when a new floating daily interest rate is entered and authorised


Service Points currently registered under Part 24 of the Rules for the capacity trading and day ahead auction.


Provides the status of a trading participant’s capacity transfer related to one or more capacity trades. This notice is issued each time a capacity transfer record has a status change because of capacity transfer in the facility operator system or AEMO system. For non-STTM and non-DWGM capacity products, the status is reported as received from the facility operator. For STTM and DWGM capacity products, the status is reported once the capacity transfer has been completed in the relevant market system (STTM or DWGM).


The Settlements Supporting Data Report is generated when Final and Revision settlement statements are issued; it is also generated daily with details of the latest initial settlement run of the day. The report contains settlements summary information as well as participant specific data from that settlement run for the relevant charges and payments per gas day. It provides a breakdown of all executed trades and delivered quantities records included in this settlement run to assist participant in their settlement statements reconciliation. The Adhoc subreport provides a list of all individual ad-hoc payments and charges included in the settlement run.


Details of Auction Quantities won used in Settlements


Includes Auction items won that are included in the settlement run


Provides a list of all individual capacity transfer records included in the settlement run.


The Delivery Variance subreport provides a breakdown of total capacity variance payments and charges included in the settlement run per gas day, note that total payments and total charges are listed separately for each gas day


The Settlements Supporting Data Report is generated when Final and Revision settlement statements are issued; it is also generated daily with details of the latest initial settlement run of the day. The report contains settlements summary information as well as participant specific data from that settlement run for the relevant charges and payments per gas day. It provides a breakdown of all executed trades and delivered quantities records included in this settlement run to assist participant in their settlement statements reconciliation. The Delivered Quantity subreport provides a list of all individual delivered quantity records included in the settlement run.