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Generic Constraint Standing Data and Invocations |
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EMSMASTER provides a description of the SCADA measurements that are associated with the SPD_ID points utilised in generic equation RHS terms |
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GENCONDATA sets out the generic constraints contained within a generic constraint set invoked in PASA, predispatch and dispatch. |
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GENCONSET sets out generic constraint sets that are invoked and revoked, and may contain many generic constraints (GENCONDATA). |
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GENCONSETINVOKE provides details of invoked and revoked generic constraints. GENCONSETINVOKE is the key table for determining what constraints are active in dispatch, predispatch and PASA. |
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GENCONSETTRK assists in determining the correct version of a generic constraint set that has been invoked in GENCONSETINVOKE. |
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GENERICCONSTRAINTRHS sets out details of generic constraint Right Hand Side (RHS) formulations for dispatch (DS), predispatch (PD) and Short Term PASA (ST). GENERICCONSTRAINTRHS also includes general expressions (EQ) used in the dispatch, predispatch and PASA time frames. |
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GENERICEQUATIONDESC defines a generic equation identifier with a description. The formulation of the generic equation is detailed in GENERICEQUATIONRHS. |
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GENERICEQUATIONRHS stores the formulation of commonly used Generic Constraint Right Hand Side Equations referenced from Generic Constraint Right Hand Side definitions stored in GENERICCONSTRAINTRHS. The Generic Equation definitions are versioned and the latest effective version is applied to the dispatch process. |
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SPDCONNECTIONPOINTCONSTRAINT sets out details of connections point constraints issued in dispatch, predispatch and STPASA. |
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SPDINTERCONNECTORCONSTRAINT contains details on the interconnector constraint factors used in dispatch, predispatch and STPASA. The details set a LHS value. |
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SPDREGIONCONSTRAINT contains details on region demand constraint factors used in dispatch. SPDREGIONCONSTRAINTsets a LHS value. |
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