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Standing data for the market |
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BIDTYPES, together with the associated tracking data in BIDTYPESTRK, define a set of ancillary services with bidding parameters from a given date. |
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BIDTYPESTRK, together with the associated data in BIDTYPES, define a set of ancillary services with bidding parameters from a given date. |
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Stores the proportion of enabled regulation FCAS dispatch that is typically consumed for frequency regulation. Used to calculate the projected state of charge for energy storage systems. |
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Stores the proportion of enabled regulation FCAS dispatch that is typically consumed for frequency regulation. Used to calculate the projected state of charge for energy storage systems. |
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INTERCONNECTOR sets out valid identifiers for each interconnector. |
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INTERCONNECTORALLOC shows allocations of interconnector residues to Network Service Providers. |
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INTERCONNECTORCONSTRAINT sets out Interconnector limit data used as defaults in dispatch, predispatch and STPASA and used by SPD in calculating flows. INTERCONNECTORCONSTRAINT includes an additional field to restrict an interconnector from support transfer of FCAS. |
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INTRAREGIONALLOC shows allocations of intra-regional residues to participants. |
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LOSSFACTORMODEL sets out the demand coefficients for each interconnector, used by LP Solver modelling of interconnector flows. |
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LOSSMODEL sets out segment breakpoints in loss model for each interconnector, used by LP Solver modelling of interconnector flows. |
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MARKET_PRICE_THRESHOLDS sets out the market cap , floor and administered price thresholds applying to the electricity market |
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REGION sets out valid region IDs. |
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REGIONSTANDINGDATA sets out standing region data including the region reference node. |
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TRANSMISSIONLOSSFACTOR shows the Transmission Loss factors applied at each connection point. |
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